Glastonbury - guided taxi tours to Glastonbury from Bath and the West of England



Lying on the Somerset Levels, the historic small market town of Glastonbury is home to one of England's most important abbeys as well as a current new age atmosphere which builds upon the myths and legends woven into the towns past that variously includes tales of Joseph or Armathea, the Holy Grail, King Arthur and the Tor (hill) that rises above the town itself.

Major attractions in the town include the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey, a 500ft climb to the top of the Tor for panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, and new age shopping opportunities in the towns quikier shops!

Tour Options

Glastonbury can be visited either on one of Celtic Horizon's suggested tour routes or build it in to a custom tour around your own requirements - contact us for details and prices.

Please note that we only offer journeys and tours that are exclusive to your family or party: we do not operate scheduled shared tour bus services.

Glastonbury Websites

ChatGPT Says:
"Glastonbury is a small town located in Somerset, England, known for its rich history and spiritual significance. The town is situated on a hill and is surrounded by stunning countryside, including the nearby Glastonbury Tor, a distinctive hill with a tower at its summit.

Glastonbury has a long history, with evidence of human settlement dating back to Neolithic times. It is perhaps best known for its association with Arthurian legend, with some claiming that it was the location of King Arthur's court and the site of his final resting place.

In the Middle Ages, Glastonbury Abbey was one of the most important religious sites in England, attracting pilgrims from all over Europe. The abbey was destroyed during the Reformation, but its ruins are still an important landmark in the town, and the abbey grounds are open to visitors.

Glastonbury is also known for its spiritual significance, with many people believing that it is a site of energy and healing. The town is home to a variety of New Age shops, alternative healing centers, and spiritual retreats, and it attracts visitors from all over the world who come to explore its mystical side.

One of the most famous events in Glastonbury is the Glastonbury Festival, a music festival that has been held in the nearby village of Pilton since 1970. The festival is one of the largest and most well-known in the world, attracting hundreds of thousands of people each year.

Overall, Glastonbury is a fascinating town that offers a unique blend of history, spirituality, and natural beauty. It is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the Arthurian legend, spiritualism, or the beauty of the English countryside."